Walk                           :  High Hartsop Dodd (1,702 feet) & Little Hart Crag (2,091 feet) from Cow Bridge

Date                           :  25th March 2017

Weather                    :  Sunny, Clear skies @ 15°C snow on tops


Distance                   :  6 mile round trip

Time Taken              :  1 hour to summit, 5 hours in total


Which part of Lakeland is this walk situated


Terrain Overview



After an aborted attempt to do this walk 2 weeks prior due to torrential rain, we could not have asked for a more perfect day than today. Temperatures

on the rise from the previous snow and cold snap that we had with a cooling breeze up top made it ideal walking conditions. At just around 1700 feet

High Hartsop Dodd is only small compared to some of its near neighbours, but what it lacks in height it makes up for with steepness !!!. The ridge walk

to Little Hart Crag is a delight even if in parts there was calf deep snow. Fine views to be had in every direction



The walk starts from the NT Car Park at Cow Bridge just off the A592 Kirkstone Pass road heading towards Patterdale. There is an overflow

area around the back that cost nothing



A gate at the north end of the car park gives access to a trail that skirts the bottom edge of Low Wood and the shores of Brothers Water



Middle Dodd and Red Screes from across Brothers Water



Looking across to Caudale Moor and the sweeping drop to Hartsop Dodd. You can see the Kirkstone Pass snaking its way from the valley floor




High Hartsop Dodd seen clearly for the first time from the track as we approach the Farm Buildings



Through the gate, turn left to cross the farm yard and access to the fields leading to the start of the climb




A signpost indicates the path to take, just be careful as you go through the wall gate that you don’t disturb the locals



Cross the pasture past some giant boulders towards an old Barn



Looking across to Dove Crag and Hart Crag from the pasture



How did they get there ???



Approaching the old barn. In his Eastern Fells Guide book description of this walk, Alfred Wainwright noted the symmetry between the barn roof

and the slopes of High Hartsop Dodd, so looks like nothing has changed over all the passing years



The climb starts immediately from the barn. Prepare yourself for some hard work !! – Navigation is simple, no maps required



Looking back towards Brothers Water from the start of the climb



Half way up the climb and a wooden fence cuts straight across the route. A convenient place for a breather before things start to get even steeper



Sue pauses a while to take in the views



Now that is one way to see the views – several para gliders sail gently over the top of Caudale Moor



A stylish way to catch the views



Just make sure you don’t end up tangled in a tree !!!



Back to the climb, and as we start on the final steep push – glorious views out west towards St Sunday Crag, Catstye Cam and Fairfield



Thankfully a zig zag path is cut into the slope to assist with the steepness. This leads all the way to the top



He`s beat us to the top again the lad has,  and nearly walloped all his butty`s by the time we get there !!!



Sue and Ste on the summit of High Hartsop Dodd


Click here for a 360 degree panoramic view from the summit … https://youtu.be/51nhzGh8gAI



Magnificent views north looking towards Place Fell and beyond



The connecting ridge to Little Hart Crag not too far to walk and a good track even if in some places it was calf deep in snow



I journey on to Little Hart Crag – here looking back along the track to High Hartsop Dodd



One of the may rock outcrops on the summit


Click here for a 360 degree panoramic view from the summit of Little Hart Crag   https://youtu.be/9sZcpvJpdtk



About an hour or so later as we journey back to Cow Bridge – a nice view of Angletarn Pikes



Who are you lookin at ???



Back down and one last look back to our climb in the shadows now from the setting sun. A fantastic day out in Lakeland and now it’s off to The Lily

in Ambleside to replace all the lost fluid !!!



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