Walk                           :  High Tove (1,665 feet), High Seat (1,995 feet), Armboth (1,570 feet) from Watendlath

Date                           :  30th June  2018

Weather                    :  Absolutely scorching, cloudless skies @ 31°C


Distance                   :  6 miles round trip

Time Taken              :  50 mins to first summit (High Tove)


Which part of Lakeland is this walk situated


Terrain Overview




I have read and heard of horror stories surround the state of the ground between Bleaberry Fell all the way down to Armboth. In fact AW was quoted as

sayingRecommended only as penance for sins” as he described the ridge walk from Bleaberry to High Seat !!. So … with the aim of minimising the pain

of bagging these summits we decided to brave the current heat wave (30 degrees plus). A fabulous day to be in God’s Country and a bit of insight of what

conditions underfoot are normally like on this “whale back” series of fells




From Keswick take the B5289 (Borrowdale Road) out of Town, then take a left turn where signposted for Ashness Bridge towards Watendlath. Be aware

the road (as such) is extremely narrow in parts which can make passing oncoming vehicles a bit hazardous. Well worth the journey though as you pass

“Surprise View” – you really must get out at the small car park and take in the most wonderful sight



The iconic Ashness Bridge on the way



The NT car park at Watendlath. At the time of writing this it was £6.50 for a full day. Free for NT members



The start of the walk begins along the path just at the entrance to the car park on the left



Follow the path for a short distance that leads to a hand gate that gives access to the open fell side



The path winds round to the end of the wooded area to lead onto the climb proper



Through the hand gate and turn immediately left



The stone track tends to disappear but a discernable path over grass (in these conditions) can be followed



Looking back to Watendlath Tarn from the path



This initial section was not too bad and easy to follow as the path had been scorched by the hot sun



Looking back towards Dale Head and even Pillar



Higher up the path and the occasional marker cairn assists with direction



Checking on ground condition



After an area of peat bogs the path dries out somewhat more and the summit cairn lies just over the other side of the fence





On the summit of High Tove after around 50 minutes of non too strenuous walking



Looking north towards Blencathra


Click here for a 360 degree view from the summit of High Tovehttps://youtu.be/XLnBLyDbj1g



Skiddaw from High Tove



Thirsty Jones ???



The ridge path to High Seat as we found out its best to shy away from the fence.  This passes over The Pewitts (here in the middle of picture) – not too bad today

but wouldn’t like to do this in normal conditions. No navigational issues though however



In the middle of the peat bogs ..



Extremely soft ground underfoot – and this after weeks of dry baking heat



Looking over to the Helvellyn range – Catstye Cam peeping over between Whiteside and Helvellyn Little Man



Out of the boggy bit now (or less boggier) and the summit of High Seat in plain view



Looking across to the North Western fells on the way to High Seat summit



Ste on the summit of High Seat …



Looking north towards Skiddaw and distant Criffel in Scotland



Team shot on the summit of High Seat (smile Sue !!)


Click here for a 360 degree view from the summit of High Seat … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JU4OW7MiSE



Looking across to Bleaberry Fell



Looking across to Maiden Moor, High Spy and Dale Head from the summit



We journey back to High Tove to pick up the path to Armboth Fell. Jones is very keen to lead the way it seems !! – The path leads to the big outcrop seen here

Its true to say we were a little confused initially as to what actually was the summit of Armboth, but the rock outcrop that is obviously higher than anything else

around it has a very small pile of stones on its plateau top to mark the summit



Approaching the summit of Armboth Fell



On the way to Armboth and we couldn’t help but notice the extremely low water levels in Thirlmere Reservoir



Ste on the summit of Armboth Fell .. Click here for a 360 degree view from the summit … https://youtu.be/2HtKYxDDoEc




We retraced our steps back to High Tove and then back down to Watendlath, by now it was unbelievably hot



So what better way to cool off at the end of a hot and tiring walk …. A very memorable yomp today !!!!!


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