Terrain Overview
Walk Overview
An easy walk from the village of Bothel to the North East of Cockermouth. A grassy
track all of the way. There is one field that needs to be crossed where it warns about
the potential of a Bull, but we did not see him. Its also said that this is private land
but we saw no evidence of warning signs. The views are wonderful from the tops
We parked the car quite freely on School Lane which runs parallel with the main
A595 road. To get to the start of the walk travel up to the end of the Lane and turn left
After the left turn walk up to the main road and make another left turn
Walk down the grassy pavement for a couple of hundred yards or so and prepare
to cross the busy road when you reach a bridleway on the opposite side
Entering the bridleway
Cross Bothel Beck via a concrete bridge on the left and head straight on
along the track
The stony track leads on to the open fellside
On reaching the open fellside keep right and follow the quad bike track
as it climbs gently upwards
As we travel up the track we get a glimpse of Criffel across the Solway Firth, Scotland
At the end of the hedgerow prepare to turn right
Turn right and cross a small broken wall
Now follow a well defined grassy trod to a hedgeline at the other side of the field
The hedgeline leads upwards towards an enclosed paddock
Approaching the Paddock
"Beware of the Bull". You are required to climb over the steel gate
Once over the gate, St Johns Hill appears as the obvious high ground
to your right
Approaching the summit of St Johns Hill
The summit of St Johns Hill. There is no cairn per se, so we just chose a bit of
rock sticking up through the grass. Click here for a 360 degree view
We now head off for Caermote Hill seen quite clealy in the middle left of the shot.
A nice view down Bassenthwaite Lake
To gain access to Caermote Hill make your way back to the wall and head
for a metal gate
You have to climb over the steel gate. Once over, turn right and
Caermote Hill summit lies a short distance ahead
Approaching the summit of Caermote Hill
The summit cairn or Memorial boulder on Caermote Hill. Click here for a 360 degree view
Looking south towards the Skiddaw massif and Bassenthwaite Lake