Terrain Overview
Walk Overview
A family friendly walk from the Grizedale Visitor Centre, with good paths
throughout and one or two unusual features along the way
We drove to the Grizedale Visitor Centre via Hawkshead. There is a massive car
park within the grounds. They use ANPR so you pay for exactly the amount of time
you are parked there. At the time of writing this, we paid £9 - however we did spend
some time at the Cafe after the walk
From the car park head North for a couple of hundred yards towards
the exit on the main road
Heading towards the exit on your left
From the exit, cross the road and head off down the lane to the left
of the Visitor Centre
The tarmac road is followed briefly before entering one of the many forest trails
At the end of the lane the forest trail can be seen heading off through the woods
Turn left of the road to start out on the trail
Whilst both paths head to the same point the left hand track is far more easy
Starting out on the left hand track
The trail meets one of the major routes through the forest. At the junction turn right
Heading off down the main track
Yards after we pass the sculpture prepare to make a left turn
We turn left to take the narrow track that leads in to the heart of the forest
Not sure what these are so we went for a closer look
Still dont know what they are and Spud was none too impressed either
Past the cones we carry on the path as it leads to a cross roads
At the cross roads turn right
Having turned right the main track is only followed for a short distance
before a turning on the left comes up pretty quickly
The trail is clearly sign posted and serves as a warning to mountain bikers
that this is intended for walkers only
Setting off down the trail bound for Carron Crag summit
The trail passes through an area of tall pine trees that have undergone
some considerable felling by the Forestry Commission
Passing the ring scupture. The summit is very near now
Approaching the summit of Carron Crag
Looking back to the ring sculpture on the way to the summit
The trig point summit of Carron Crag
Sue and Spud on the summit of Carron Crag. Click here for a 360 degree view
Looking across to a distant Caw from the summit
The snow capped Coniston Fells from the summit
Looking North towards Ambleside and part of the Fairfield Horseshoe